A Győzelem

Egyszerűen annyira jól hangzik az alábbi idézet, hogy fel kellett rakni az Apocalypse-ra.

Az eszes: győz és megtorpan,
nem tobzódik a diadalban,
győz és nem magasodik,
győz és nem cifrálkodik,
győz és nem kevélykedik,
győz, mert győzni kényszeríttetik,
győz, de sohasem erőszakoskodik.

Tao Te King - Az út és erény könyve

A minden héten háború c. film kezdődik evvel az idézettel. A film maga nem túl izgalmas, bár kétségtelenül meg lehet tanulni belőle két dolgot: a touch down az baromi fontos, és az amerikai fociban kurva sokat taktikáznak.

"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle – victorious."

A filmben így fordították magyarra:

Meggyőződésem, hogy minden férfinak az igazi beteljesülés az, hogy ha kemény küzdelem árán eléri kitűzött célját, majd megfáradva, mégis diadalittasan elfekszik a csatatéren.

Úgy tűnik mostanság az emeli a hangulatomat, ha efféléket olvasok. A következő a Battlestar Galactica 3. évad 3. részének végéről a következő.

Adama: This is the Admiral. You've heard the news, you know the mission. You should also know there is only one way that this mission ends: and that's with the sucessful rescue of our people, off of New Caprica. Look around you. Take a good look at the men and women that stand next to you. Remember their faces, for one day you will tell your children and your grandchildren that you served with such men and women as the universe has never seen. And together, you'll accomplish the feat that will be told and retold down through the ages, and find immortality as only the gods once knew. I'm proud to serve with you. Good hunting.

Sötét hangulatban vagyok, ehhez valami megrázóbb idézet illik. Persze láttam már ennek fokozását is, de mára ez bővel elég nekem.

"After the orbital strikes, Thunderhawk bombardments, Whirlwinds, Vindicators, fusion and starfire and finally Battle Brothers with flamers had finished cleansing the world of all the enemies of Man, we built a monastery in the center of the largest, most radioactive impact crater. We named the planet "Tranquility", for it was very quiet now."
– Brother Vlad Carthas, Warhammer 40k

I'll take it... until I get killed

	or you find someone better.

Starship Troopers script http://sfy.ru/?script=starship_troopers

Londo Mollari: The humans, I think, knew they were doomed. But where another race would surrender to despair, the humans fought back with even greater strength. They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space. In my life, I have never seen anything like it. They would weep, they would pray, they would say goodbye to their loved ones and then throw themselves without fear or hesitation at the very face of death itself. Never surrendering. No one who saw them fighting against the inevitable could help but be moved to tears by their courage…their stubborn nobility. When they ran out of ships, they used guns. When they ran out of guns, they used knives and sticks and bare hands. They were magnificent. I only hope, that when it is my time, I may die with half as much dignity as I saw in their eyes at the end. They did this for two years. They never ran out of courage. But in the end…they ran out of time.

Source: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Babylon_5#Points_of_Departure
