Problémamegoldás Felsőfokon

1. Arrogant Worms - Malcolm
2. Pogácsa vs Közúti versenyző
3. Dead Milkmen - If You Love Somebody, Set Them On Fire
4. Tévéostrom

1. Arrogant Worms - Malcolm

Billy solves his problems by calling up his mom
Heather solves her problems with drugs and alcohol
Daniel solves his problems with a doctor and the law,
But Malcolm has his own way, and it's better than them all..

Malcolm solves his problems with a chainsaw!
Malcolm solves his problems with a chainsaw!
Malcolm solves his problems with a chainsaw!
And he never has the same problem twice!

Whether it's a bill or a cheque arriving late,
Rancid marble cheese or a steak that's second-rate,
Awful TV programs or a broken Elvis plate,
or his fiance who dumps him because he's gaining weight..

Malcolm solves his problems with a chainsaw!
Malcolm solves his problems with a chainsaw!
Malcolm solves his problems with a chainsaw!
And he never has the same problem twice!

2. Pogácsa vs Közúti versenyző

Ma kifele az M1-esen eszembe jutott az a vidám alkalom, amikor az M3-ason (ami ismeretlen okokból egyben egy dodzsem- illetve rally-pálya is egyben) az egyik versenyző kifogásolta, hogy a belső sávban csak 130-cal megyek.

A kifogásának pedig úgy adott hangot, hogy megközelített kb 1 méterre, és reflektorozott. (Ezzel persze egyben meg is akadályozta azt, hogy le tudjak menni, mert (éjszaka lévén) nem tudtam a visszapillantó tükreimmel megnézni, hogy van-e tőlem valami jobbra.)

Akkor jutott eszembe, hogy mi lett volna ennek a problémának a felsőfokú megoldása: az ablakon kidobott, és a versenyző szélvédőkén gyászos véget érő pogácsa. (Sajtos vagy tepertős is megfelel a célnak.)

További ötletek: vízet fröcskölni (előny: nem marad bizonyíték, valamint segítőkész, amennyiben nyilván azért jön ilyen közel, mert koszos az ablaka, és távolról már nem lát).

3. Dead Milkmen - If You Love Somebody, Set Them On Fire

[sound of match striking]

Know that it would be untrue Know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you I didn't set your house on fire

But it's just the way I am Have to take it for a fact
Life can really burn you up When you're a pyromaniac

If you love somebody Better set them on fire

I went to your house last night Dad called me the human torch
Got a little pissed at him So I burned down your front porch

Now I feel a little better About throwin' gas on your dad
But you know it's hard to quit And besides he started it

I just bought a brand new lighter And I just can't wait to use it
With a can a' kerosene it's lots a' fun You can't refuse it

Oily rags are special things You know to me they're diamond rings
Maybe we can have some fun Maybe we can burn someone

If you love somebody Better set them on fire

Know that it would be untrue Know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you I didn't set your dad on fire

If you love somebody Better set them on fire
If you love somebody Why not set them on fire?

4. Tévéostrom

És ha már a problémamegoldásról beszélünk, lássuk, milyen is a magyar problémamegoldó készség... If You Love Somebody, Set Them On Fire?


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