Leeroy Jenkins

Leeroy Jenkins a WorldOfWarcraftban fogalom. Nem csak egyszerűen igévé, hanem az összes többi szófajjá is vált. Van egy mondás is: WWLJD, azaz What Would Leeroy Jenkins Do? Mostmár csak egyvalami érdekel miért került ez fel, és miért én beszélek róla, hisz ha 3 percet wowoztam sokat mondok.

Aki nem ismeri a legendás videót, itt megnézheti: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8212854036194387041

Az elejét nem értem (hosszan tökölnek valamilyen mérsékelten agyafúrt, SzerepJátékmentes, de kellően bonyolult stratégián). Utána visszatér LeeroyJenkins-t alakító játékos, aki, minden valószínűség szerint, közben a konyhában járt egy kis csirkéért. Miután visszatér, megállapítja, hogy még mindig megy a f@szolás, és úgy dönt, hogy kezébe veszi az irányítást... Maga a csatakiáltás is olyan, hogy könnyeket csal az ember szemébe. Az már csak hab a tortán, hogy mindenki utána Leeroy-t szidja, mindenki meghal, és Leeroy megjegyzi: "At least I have chicken."

Player 1: [talking to teammates outside cave] OK guys, these eggs have given us a lot of trouble in the past, uh does anybody need anything off this guy or can we bypass him?
Player 2: Uhh, I think Leeroy needs something from this guy.
Player 1: Oh, does he need those Devout Shoulders? Doesn't - isn't he a paladin?
Player 2: Yeah, but that will help him heal better, he'll have more mana.
Player 1: [sighs] Christ. OK, uhh well what we'll do, I'll run in first, uh gather up all the eggs, we can kinda just, ya know blast them all down with AOE. Um, I will use Intimidating Shout, to kinda scatter'em, so we don't have to fight a whole bunch of them at once. Uhh, when my Shouts are done, uhh, I'll need Anfrony to come in and drop his Shout too, uh so we can keep them scattered and not have to fight too many. Um, when his is done, Bass of course will need to run in and do the same thing. Uhh, we're gonna need Divine Intervention on our mages, uhh so they can, uhh, AE, uh so we can of course get them down fast, cause we're bringing all these guys, I mean, we'll be in trouble if we don't take them down quick. Uhh I think this is a pretty good plan, we should be able to pull it off this time. Uhh, what do you think Abduhl? Can you give me a number crunch real quick?
Abduhl: Uhhh.. yeah gimme a sec... I'm coming up with thirty-two point three three, repeating of course, percentage, of survival.
Player 1: That's a lot better than we usually do, uhh, alright, you think we're ready guys?

Leeroy: All right chums, I'm (back)! Let's do this! LEEROOOOOOOY JEEENKIIIIIINSSS!!!

[runs into cave]

-Short pause-

Player 2: [incredulous] ... Oh my God he just ran in. [runs in]
Player 1: Save him! Oh jeez, stick to the plan. Oh jeez, let's go, let's go! [follows]
Player 1 [laughing]: Stick to the plan guys, stick to the plan!
Player 1: Oh jeez, oh fuck.
[Indistinguishable]: Gimme a Divine Intervention, hurry up.
Player 1: Shoutin'!
Player 3: I can't cast! I can't move, am I lagging, guys? I can't move!
Player 1: What the—what the hell?
[Another Player]: I can't AE!
Player 3: I can't move!
Player 1: Oh my God...
[Another Player]: The eggs keep respawning! More respawning!!
[Indistinguishable]: I don't think you can cast with that shit on!
[Another player]: Oh my God!
Leeroy: We got em, we got em! I got it, I got it.
Player 2: Take it off! Take it off!
[muffled shouts]
Player 1: Stay down, Stay down. Oh my God..
Player 1: Goddamnit Leeroy! Goddamn it...
[Various others]: Yeah, Leeroy you moron, Leeroy!
[various put-downs of Leeroy amongst group]
Player 1: Listen, this is ridiculous.
[Indistinguishable]: You dumbass.
Leeroy: I'm on it.
Player 1: I'm down, Forekin down. Goddamnit.
[shouting, then a pause, followed by other put-downs] Why do you do this shit, Leeroy?
[Another Player]: Spiffy, rez us! Spiffy, rez us!
Player 2: I'm trying!
Leeroy [crying]: It's not my fault!
Player 1: Who's Soulstoned? We do have a Soulstone up, don't we? [everyone dies] Think I need a Soulstone?
Player 2: Yeah but you need a Warlock.
Player 2 [noticing everybody is dead]: ... Oh God...
Player 1: Oh for - [sighs] Great job! For Christ's sake!
[indistinguishable - possibly "I tried"] Leeroy, you are just stupid as hell.
[Loopy]: Oh my God...
Leeroy: ... At least I have chicken...

