Keresem: Head Quarters

may i feel said he
… but your wife said she now said he) ow said she (tiptop said he don't stop said she oh no said he) go slow said she (cccome?said he ummm said she) you're divine!said he (you are Mine…
The heat comes down on the operation!
<title The heat comes down on the operation!> Mindannyiunk kedvenc gépe, az [[ApocalypseRulezOrg|Apocalypse]] jelenleg egy összehangolt támadás áldozata! Szóval, már egy jó ideje (értsd: évek óta)…
The Lesson
… you may" said teacher put the gun to his temple and fired The Head popped a head round the doorway to see why a din was being made nodded understandingly then tossed in a grenade And when the…
Help Faulty Design!
… azt a választ kaptam, hogy ez így hibás design és javasolták a Head First Design Patterns című könyv tanulmányozását (amire most se pénzem, se időm nincs, sajnos, pedig tényleg érdekesnek hangzik).
Top Lista
… King 2 soundtrack - Not one of us * The Lion King 2 soundtrack - He lives in you * Scissors Sisters - Kiss you off * Jazzékiel - Az utolsó lemezlovag * Republic - Ahogy a halak * LGT - Hány cédula…
The Ballad Of A Bachelor
Each was so dear that John confessed He could not tell which he liked best. He studied them for quite a year, And still found no solution near, And might have studied two years more Had he not…
… Fizzing across the sea!' She pays no heed, nor even turns her head: He slides his arm around her waist instead. 'Why don't we do a sketch together-- Those songs you sing are swell.
Külső Kényszer
Fella I once knew in El Paso, one day he took all his clothes off and jumped in a mess of cactus. I asked him the same question, why? He said it seemed to be a good idea at the time.ülsőKényszer
Gitár Kották/Grád Miki
… Am He walks on, doesn't look back Em D He pretends he can't hear her Em D Am Starts to whistle as he crosses the street Em…árKották/GrádMiki
The Gang
He was a low down dirty bookie down the street, but he just brought monny lots of money . Ol' Pete was the worst assasin ever and by worst imean ruthless, efficient, silent 'n fucking deadly.