
Persist Implementation

The "giants whom we stood the shoulders on" are:

Persist/J is invoked from the persist/run directory. Usage:
Persist.pl output_dir_name input_dir_name [input_dir_name [...]]

This is a perl script which parses one or more directories, finds PerDL tags, extracts the information and creates aspect, project and configuration files for Inject/J. Inject/J takes these files and weaves the aspect into the persistent classes.

Persist.pl is a perl script that makes a good effort to locate the Java home directory, the compost path, etc. should these not be set in the appropriate environment variables (JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH, respectively). If either cannot be located, Persist.pl prints an error message and exits.


To simply add persistency to a project with Persist/J, do the following steps:

  1. Add PerDL tags to persistent class sources.
  2. Be sure to write BeforeSave and AfterLoad methods where necessary.
  3. Call Persist.pl to create the necessary Inject/J files.
  4. Start Inject/J with the project file created by Persist.pl